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In pharmacology and medicine, giving a nanodose of a medication or substance involves administering an amount that is several orders of magnitude smaller than the standard therapeutic dose. Nanodosing is often measured with concentrations in nanograms (ng) or picograms (pg).


The central pillar of toxicology is that the dose response curve is linear and threshold related. Research has shown that the hormetic dose response is the more accurate dose-response model in toxicology based on objective head-to-head comparison with the threshold model and lends credence that at some levels there may be a biphasic dose response.



A biphasic dose response model is characterized by low-dose stimulation and high dose inhibition either in the form of an inverted U-shaped or J-shaped dose response curve (i.e., Hormesis). Hormesis is best defined by an initial disruption of homeostasis (i.e., toxicity) followed by a modest overcompensation response which eventually leads to a re-establishment of homeostasis.


Our Nanodosed products have different attributes than conventional drug therapies

Less is better than more - within limits
This approach uses chosen signal molecules at low, physiological concentrations to induce beneficial cascades.The concentrations often used are in the nanogram/ml range.When diluted in the body’s 5000 ml of blood, changes in the levels of administered molecules are virtually impossible to detect.As a result, classical pharmacokinetic studies cannot be performed. Tomic-Canic et al. identified a similar phenomenon in other compounds where the optimal concentration of a product achieved a desired treatment effect, with concentrations either below or above the optimal dose showing a reduced effect (Tomic et al.).
Classical high dose toxicity does not occur
Because our nanodosed agents do not operate by binding at agonist or antagonist receptor sites as do many traditional pharmacological products, its therapeutic utility is not dose-dependent in the manner of most pharmacological treatments with ever increasing doses improving patient responses until toxicity is encountered.
Our nanodosed agents stimulate natural processes to return to homeostasis
We believe our agents reach the region of the disease through intracellular and intercellular signals or similar energy transmission mechanisms – not interrupting them by binding large volumes of therapeutic to antigens or antibodies involved in the target. Genomic studies we have conducted and by others in other conditions strongly imply that the agents function through up and down regulation of genes (Gurel et al, Mamber et al).

Scientifically Proven 

Nanodosing efficacy showcased in other therapeutic areas

The Company’s low-dose approach to treating disease has been published in peer-reviewed papers addressing mechanisms of action and clinical efficacy of therapeutic agents (Horohov et al., Mamber et al.).

Where systemic measurements have been possible, nanodosed agents have shown new approaches to healing.  Scientists at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, for example, have confirmed that a nanodosed anti-depressant works via different biopathways than currently marketed anti-depressants.

In a number of FDA trials, nanodosed agents have demonstrated statistically significant benefits.  Conditions which reached a significance level of <.05 include benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (“COPD”), chronic bronchitis and multiple sclerosis.

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